- Automatic site URL update when updating the primary domain name for a WordPress website.
- Ability to set a ‘Delay first backup’ setting;This setting will delay the initial backup of newly created websites. Default is 15 minutes. (Settings > Service > Backups)
- This setting will delay the initial backup of newly created websites. Default is 15 minutes. (Settings > Service > Backups)
- Updates to Arabic, Bulgarian, Polish and Estonian language pack.
- Minor right to left UI improvements.
- Bengali and Turkish language pack added. (beta)
- Improvements to dark mode implementation.
- Databases are now dumped with –skip-lock-tables and –single-transaction during backups.
- Increased appcd RPC timeouts to accommodate slower servers.
- Internal RPC services that are infrequently accessed are now connected “on demand” rather than using pooled connections to reduce idle TCP connection count on larger clusters.
- Database role restart in UI from database role management page now fixed.
- MySQL database version now correctly shows in the UI.
- Ability to duplicate packages which have a server group selected now fixed.
- Issue backing up some MySQL databases with stored procedures and functions.
- cPanel import issue with importing databases with stored procedures and functions.
- SQL import through panel now allows uploading of files with multiple period characters in the filename.
- Role migration, fix for “website not found” when moving app + db roles simultaneously.
- Fix for cloning of websites where stored procedures and custom functions exist.
- Error migrating backup role where S3 backups are also configured.
- Email pagination fix.